Weekend Update: 6/22/2024

Welcome to the Cannibal Halfling Weekend Update! Start your weekend with a chunk of RPG news from the past week. We have the week’s top sellers, industry news stories, something from the archives, and discussions from elsewhere online.

DriveThruRPG Top Sellers for 6/22/2024

  1. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit
  2. Fabula Ultima Atlas: Techno Fantasy
  3. Knave: Second Edition
  4. Scion: No Gods, No Masters
  5. Pendragon: Core Rulebook

Top News Stories

Today is Free RPG Day!: Exactly what it says on the tin, it’s Free RPG Day! You can check here for a participating store near you, or keep an eye out on the socials for indie creators running their own sales.

From the Archives

This week has seen advance reviews of the new D&D books from more, erm, mainstream outlets (like Forbes? huh). It’s also Free RPG Day, so here’s a great way to mash those two together. D&D has pushed its brand of fantasy into being the most common form of roleplaying game, but there are lots of ways to crack that particular chestnut. From the archives we’re taking a look at Quest, an attempt at outsider art for the D&D set. And, appropriately for the weekend, the core rules are available for free.

Discussion of the Week

What do you feel is the ethical way to approach “pay what you want”? Wrapping up the freebies, this thread addresses the tip jar approach that is PWYW, including the paradox of someone not wanting to not pay for something but being unwilling to pay up front in the first place. Sigh. Generally speaking, though, there’s some good discussion about treating a PWYW product as a demo, how certain types of products are particularly good for the price point, and some tales from creators who tried the sales pitch.

Have any RPG news leads or scoops? Get in touch! You can reach us at cannibalhalflinggaming@gmail.com, through Mastodon via @CannibalHalflingGaming@dice.camp, and through BlueSky via @cannibalhalfling.bsky.social.

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