Meet the Party: Mistborn Alloy of Law

A dancing girl with big dreams who can play with emotions and beat the odds. A frighteningly perceptive lawkeeper who tracks his quarry across the wilds of the Roughs. A gunsmith who believes just arming the lawkeepers isn’t enough any more, and has joined in himself. A koloss-blooded exile determined to improve his people’s place in the world with strength of arms and a deputy’s badge. A vigilante Ferring with vengeance in her heart and the speed of steel. Meet the Party provides an entire group of ready-to-play characters for a variety of systems and settings. We’re returning to the Mistborn Adventure Game from Crafty Games, but with a new twist as we forge characters using the Alloy of Law!

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Level One Wonk: In-Game Failure

Are you a Butt-Kicker, a Specialist, or a Story-Teller? There is a huge world of games out there to satisfy every player’s and group’s style. And while there are academic discussions in every corner of the internet, sometimes it’s best to start at level one. Join the Level One Wonk in exploring the possibilities that RPGs have to offer, from Aberrant to Zorcerer of Zo. Today, we look into what happens when things go wrong, and how to balance failure and risk in your games.

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Meet the Party: Unearthed D&D5e Sorcerers

A half-elf with divine magic flowing through her blood, as capable of healing and helping as she is harming. A tiefling with the soul of a phoenix, wreathed in flames that protect him and burn his enemies. A halfling with the strength of the sea, who sits at the heart of a storm and literally flows away from danger. A dwarf with skin of stone, with magic in the metal of her weapons that lets her bring sorcery into melee. The onslaught of Unearthed Arcana material for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition has continued, and Meet the Party continues to provide ready-to-play characters. This time out the gate we have four new options for the sorcerer class, so let’s meet a homogeneous party that only needs one section of the book, but provides lots of sorcerous variety!

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Level One Wonk: The Meta-Game

Are you a Butt-Kicker, a Specialist, or a Story-Teller? There is a huge world of games out there to satisfy every player’s and group’s style. And while there are academic discussions in every corner of the internet, sometimes it’s best to start at level one. Join the Level One Wonk in exploring the possibilities that RPGs have to offer, from Aberrant to Zorcerer of Zo. Today, the wonkery continues as we go deep with meta-game mechanics.

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Meet the Party: D&D5e Unearthed Arcana Pt. 2

A paladin sworn not to protect or to heal but to conquer and dominate, crushing all in her path for power’s sake. A monk who meditates with a blade in his hand, seeking perfection of mind and body in the heat of battle. A wandering samurai, clan-less and master-less, using his steel and his will to rebuild everything that he lost. A rogue and a scout of the wild places of the world, who has fought for years and now thinks of the easy life. It’s been a busy few months for Unearthed Arcana, the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition column that presents new options for the community to playtest. There are still loads of builds for lots of classes, so let’s keep Unearthing some Arcana and Meet the Party!

Continue reading Meet the Party: D&D5e Unearthed Arcana Pt. 2

Level One Wonk Reviews: Playing At The World

Are you a Butt-Kicker, a Specialist, or a Story-Teller? There is a huge world of games out there to satisfy every player’s and group’s style. And while there are academic discussions in every corner of the internet, sometimes it’s best to start at level one. Join the Level One Wonk in exploring the possibilities that RPGs have to offer, from Aberrant to Zorcerer of Zo. This week, instead of writing about games, we’re writing about writing about games! Let’s check out Jon Peterson’s Playing at the World, an exhaustive tome about how D&D came to be.

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Adventure Log: Living on Borrowed Time Part 15

Despite some mishaps and a few crashed airspeeders the Borrowed Time crew had managed to make it on and off the Smuggler’s Moon of Nar Shaddaa, recruiting the Force Sensitive Captain Pontay and his Sleight of Hand in the process. They were still ‘out in the cold’, however, so once they were safely back in hyperspace the rebels weighed their options for their next objective. Leaving Hutt Space would bring them by the Kwenn Space Station, where they believed another Force Sensitive to be, but the crew came to the conclusion that its proximity to Nar Shaddaa made it too hot at the moment. With Patience leading the charge because of the likelihood of getting back in touch with High Command, the destination was chosen: Sullust.

Continue reading Adventure Log: Living on Borrowed Time Part 15

Level One Wonk: Campaigns

Are you a Butt-Kicker, a Specialist, or a Story-Teller? There is a huge world of games out there to satisfy every player’s and group’s style. And while there are academic discussions in every corner of the internet, sometimes it’s best to start at level one. Join the Level One Wonk in exploring the possibilities that RPGs have to offer, from Aberrant to Zorcerer of Zo. This week, we talk about taking adventures and linking them up into a campaign!

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