Weekend Update: 9/2/2023

Welcome to the Cannibal Halfling Weekend Update! Start your weekend with a chunk of RPG news from the past week. We have the week’s top sellers, industry news stories, and discussions from elsewhere online.

DriveThruRPG Top Sellers for 9/2/23

  1. Cities Without Number
  2. Fabula Ultima Atlas: High Fantasy
  3. Traveller: Aliens of Charted Space Vol. 4
  4. Cyberpunk RED: Danger Gal Dossier
  5. Exalted: Crucible of Legend

Top News Stories

Support for the Baker family: Meguey Baker is home from surgery after having been diagnosed with breast cancer back in July. As one might imagine, that means a lot of rest, not a lot of game design or any other work, so the Bakers can still use your help! The generosity already shown has been great, but every bit makes a difference.

Discussion of the Week

Starfield owes its existence to Traveller, one of the first RPGs: Over in the video game side of the world, the upcoming release of Bethesda’s new open world game Starfield is making waves as the review embargo is lifted and gamers who shelled out for the Premium Edition get early access to the game. This Polygon article discusses one core inspiration for Starfield: Traveller, the 1977 RPG of immense historical significance and also possessing a vague one-word title.

Have any RPG news leads or scoops? Get in touch! You can reach us at cannibalhalflinggaming@gmail.com, through Mastodon via @CannibalHalflingGaming@dice.camp, and through BlueSky via @cannibalhalfling.bsky.social.

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