Weekend Update: 7/24/2021

Welcome to the Cannibal Halfling Weekend Update! Start your weekend with a chunk of RPG news from the past week. We have the week’s top sellers, industry news stories, and discussions from elsewhere online.

DriveThruRPG Top Sellers for 7/24/2021

  1. Blaster: Volume 3
  2. M20 Technocracy Reloaded
  3. The Starship Warden
  4. Trails of Ash and Bone
  5. WFRP: The Horned Rat

Top News Stories

ICv2 Sales Figures for Spring: ICv2’s RPG industry sales summary for spring of 2021 was released this week. D&D was first, surprising nobody, but in a fairly significant upset, R. Talsorian’s Cyberpunk unseated Pathfinder for the #2 slot. The remainder of the top 5 went to Pathfinder, Free League’s Alien, and the most eyeroll-inducing category ever, D&D Third Party.

D&D Side Materials De-Canonized: According to this piece quoting Jeremy Crawford, Dungeons and Dragons video games, novels, and comic books are no longer considered ‘canon’. While in some cases this isn’t much of a change – Eberron stories weren’t even canon to each other until explicitly referenced in a text – it’s a significant change for settings like the Forgotten Realms which have often advanced the timeline via such material.

Discussion of the Week

Do mechanics or setting support genre? Twitter got all in a tizzy this week as someone stated that running a horror game is dependent on the setting material, not mechanics. Inevitably, others jumped in to defend the opposite tack. The answer, like in most of these “debates”, is that it depends, and both can be important. Only Sith and Twitter deal in absolutes. Like many of these snippy debates, it’s likely best that I don’t include a link to anyone.

Have any RPG news leads or scoops? Get in touch! You can reach us at cannibalhalflinggaming@gmail.com, or through Twitter via @HungryHalfling.